Estimate Options

Now that you have an estimated amount for your claim, you have these options available to you:

Option One

The National Mesothelioma Claim Center can provide information on the claims processes that does NOT involve starting a lawsuit.

Option Two

Contact A Law Firm that can advise if you should file a lawsuit or register with the Asbestos Trusts.

Mesothelioma Law Firms - Lawsuits can often provide the most compensation, but you need someone to sue. When you are not sure how you were exposed to asbestos an experienced firm can do generally uncover it for you. Rated 4.0 out of 5.

If You Don't Seek Compensation

When faced with a mesothelioma diagnosis some people focus on getting treatment and don't want to think about financial compensation. This is an understandable attitude. However there are some things to consider:

Limited Time. Once you are diagnosed, the statute of limitations begins. In most states it's 2 to 3 years. If you wait beyond the time limit you will be unable to seek compensation.

Cancer treatments can be very expensive. Compensation can provide for this and in some cases provide for much of a family's future.

The lawyers take care of almost everything. Depending on your case, your involvement with the legal process can be minimal and proceed while you explore treatment options.